• 6 Reasons Why Switching Jobs

    1. Every new day has another opportunity, another chance to change your life 

    It's always easy to stay confined within our comfort zones. But making small changes to our job and our life can bring about so many incredible, unforeseen opportunities. So don't be a victim. Initiate the change and be a conscious creator of the kind of life you want to live. 

    2. Trying different jobs will help you in figuring out what you're passionate about 

    you stick to the same old humdrum job because you think you have to or because you don't know what else to do. When you finally find a job you are truly passionate about, you're going to work hard and bring more to your role and your company. 

    3. It's nothing big. Sometimes you just need a break when you didn't expect it 

    Routine can be monotonous and it's only natural to want to break from that. Changing jobs and careers forces you out of your normal daily routine and onto something new and refreshing, sparking renewed motivation. 

    4. Constantly making unexpected new friends is never bad

    Constantly making unexpected new friends is never bad With every leap, you make new friends and begin to widen your network in your field of expertise. If you are continually expanding your horizons and your network of friends and colleagues, you never know where it could eventually lead with new opportunities.

    5. There's no end to learning and that's a good thing!

    Leonardo Da Vinci said: "Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets." When you change jobs, you're going to be learning a new way of working, a new system, new skills. Employers are more likely to look fondly on someone who is always willing to step forward with enthusiasm to expand their skill set. 

    6. Confidence is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. 

    Changing new careers brings confidence. You become more flexible, open-minded, and adaptable. You learn to appreciate diversity and understand different cultural experiences with each new role. Your confidence will continuously develop and you will always be growing as a person, setting yourself up to be even more capable in the next exciting role. 

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    Reference: www.businessinsider.in/The-23-best-colleges-for-your-money-if-you-want-to-go-into-business/articleshow/51886334.cms