Actress Priyanka Chopra, making her Golden Globes debut, co-presented one of the early awards at the ceremony held at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles on Sunday evening (early Monday morning for India). This is the start of the international awards season and the 34-year-old actress was invited to present one of the prizes in the television category in her capacity as headline star of American network show Quantico. Priyanka, who turned heads on the red carpet with stars like Emma Stone, Natalie Portman and Blake Lively, co-presented the evening's second award with The Walking Dead star Jeffrey Dean Morgan. They gave away the award for Best TV Actor - Drama, won by Billy Bob Thornton for Goliath. This is the third time Priyanka Chopra is a presenter at a major international award show after being invited on the Oscars and the Emmys last year. Priyanka plays the lead role of FBI-turned-CIA agent Alex Parrish in Quantico, now in its second season.
Priyanka Chopra picked gold to wear on the Golden Globes red carpet, shimmering in a metallic Ralph Lauren dress accessorised with a pendant. The Zuhair Murad dress Priyanka wore to the Oscars last year made it to Google's 2016 in review list. No doubt she will make it to the best-dressed roster this year.